Daughter, Go In Peace
30 x 48
Gouache, chalk, pencil, ink and nail enamel on canvas
Fear and uncertainty turn to relief and joy as Jesus clasps her hand and gently lifts
her chin. She will cherish the words He speaks in her heart forever,
"Daughter, be of good comfort: your faith has made you whole; go in peace."
He does not chide, He does not rebuke, rather His demeanor is kind and affectionate.
She senses that she and her life matter to him...that He really cares. And because the words He speaks are Spirit and life, there will be no relapse—she is totally restored
and healed! In addressing a woman who may not have differed greatly from His own
age as 'Daughter', He acknowledges not only her status as a member of the
commonwealth of Israel, but His oneness with His Father in Heaven.
In my rendition of this event, the woman did not have time to change her clothes
or fix her hair. As soon as she realized Jesus was within her reach, she forgot about everything except getting into His presence. Direct opposition or the possibility of
ridicule from others was not enough to stop her dogged pursuit. As a result, she was
richly rewarded for her efforts.
Today, we don't have to fight our way through crowds to reach Jesus. Come to Him just as you are, and He will meet you at your point of need.
FAITH pleases God, and PRAYER is the designated route
of communication with him. FAITH and the PRAYER
of a righteous person are a dynamic catalyst for change; touching the spiritual realm to effect change in the natural realm where we live. It takes FAITH to pray, and ANSWERED PRAYER gives us even greater FAITH. So, have FAITH
in God, and PRAY without ceasing!
If you found this series of paintings inspiring,
please buy me a coffee.